Thursday, November 10, 2011


We had a great day today. We visited a huge "park", which was really very beautiful, with a lake, several gardens, open square areas and stunning architecture everywhere. It was a clear, gorgeous sunny autumn day and was probably the nicest we've had in China. Our guide, Tina has been fabulous and very helpful in assisting us in adjusting to moving around with two babies. We made other stops and some religious and historic landmarks, and visited a shop specializing in porcelain, one of Jiangxi's primary cultural exports. The kids did very well today, but were worn down by all the days events and very tired by dinner time. We're praying for deep and restful sleep tonight. We depart Nanchang at 5:50pm for Guangzhou, where we will spend the last 4 days of our trip doing the American Visa end of our adoptions, before departing for Hong Kong for a night at the airport hotel. Then the long flight home.
Izaiah continues to eat well, and we believe he is gaining weight. He rolled over onto his belly by himself this afternoon for the first time, and we celebrated as if it was his first steps! He is a very happy little boy. Lily is improving every day as well. She was in much better spirits today and is extremely inquisitive. She shows great interest especially in things that open and close, snap together, etc. We stopped at a Nanchang Wal-Mart on Tuesday (YES, they have Wal-Mart's here!) and picked up some toddler Lego-type blocks, and she's just fascinated with them. She is very smart and is a bundle of joyous energy, and we can't wait to show her off to our family and friends!
Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. Erich and Jacquie, you are describing the whole of parenting - the tantrums and the amazing "firsts", that all parents go through. Be gentle with yourselves, breathe deeply, and hold on tight to each other! Soon you'll be home and in the arms of loved ones who want to help. Let them! I wish I was there for your homecoming, but I will be there in spirit, and continue to pray for all of you.
