Monday, November 14, 2011

Homeward Bound

We leave our hotel at 3:00 tomorrow, stop at the U.S. consulate to pickup the kids' passports (complete with brand-new U.S. Visa stamps!), then take a private van 3-4 hours south into Hong Kong. We'll stay at the airport hotel tomorrow night and depart for Chicago at 11:00am on Wednesday. Thanks to those praying with us about our flight. We've heard from so many people that it can be grueling. And of course, it's double our pleasure with two kids!  LOL!!! We think our plane is going to be loaded with many adopting families, so that should be of some comfort. We'll be fine and just all the more happy to see American soil! We had our big, final appointment at the U.S. consulate early this morning and took our "oath" with several other U.S. families, many of whom will actually be on our flight to Chicago. So as of this morning, after 6 years, mountains of work, 3 weeks of traversing China and a paper trail long enough to print a set of Britannica's, our adoption 'labor' is finished, we have our babies and they are officially Olsen's! Hallelujah and Amen!!!
This will probably be our last blog post until we arrive home. The outpouring of love we've received through emails, blog-posts and the felt-prayers of the saints has been overwhelming. It's been a tremendous joy to share this experience with so many people. We believe that as followers of Christ, we are all working together to hasten the day when the Kingdom of our Lord explodes into it's fullness, and encouragement and prayer are key 'building blocks' that the Spirit uses as He works in and through us, His Church, to the praise of His glorious grace.
With much love from China,
Erich, Jacquie, Lily and Izaiah Olsen
"Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying:
'The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ,
 and He shall reign forever and ever!'
And the twenty-four elders who sat before God on their thrones
fell on their faces and worshiped God..."  -Revelation 11:15&16
"Thy Kingdom come
 Thy will be done
 On earth as it is
 In Heaven."  -Luke 11:2


  1. We are sending you well wishes for your trip home! XOXO

  2. Woohoo! Olsens officially! Couldn't be happier for you all!!! God is good.


